Website is equally proportional to Marketing

Call me rude, but I always tell the truth to my clients.

Yesterday, (like many other previous times) I was trying to explain this to a client, who insisted on driving leads & conversions through marketing and ignoring the other facts, like even ignoring his existing website.

He has an AI-based brand which offers AI products & solutions, but his website was barely a 3 page website, with no powerful graphics & animations/visuals to communicate the impact of futuristic technology in businesses or lives. It didn’t have enough educating & influential content to leave an impact on the reader, and at last, it didn’t even have an average level of functionalities on the website.

Now, if you are selling a technology, that too a futuristic technology, how can you drive business with a below average website which doesn’t even portray the technological power of your website itself.

Yes, Customers Judge You!

It’s very important to understand that your customers will always judge you from your website and your marketing presence & content. A website sometimes might not play a role in your ad campaigns, but it’s always the backbone of your campaigns and your brand.

And, it’s very crucial to know that a website should be strategically planned based on these facts:

  1. Type of the business and what it offers

  2. Target customers of the business: Whether you are targeting college students or decision makers of enterprises or new parents – each of these will require a completely different looking website.

  3. What impression do you need to leave on your web visitors? Do you want to present yourself as an industry leader or a creative startup? That should be answered by your website.

Having no website is still better than a bad website!

If you are planning a business for the long term, if you really want to test whether it will work or not, and if you really want to compete in the market and grow, the first thing you need do is to have a professionally designed & developed website, which cannot be a one-page website, as that’s always a landing page and never a website.

all the below mentioned points are ‘true’ about your website, you’ve got the right website:

  1. If Your website speaks about you and is aligned with your vision & approach.
  2. Your website is often appreciated by your customers and they get impressed by it.
  3. Your website works as a powerful pillar for branding of your business.
  4. Your website is contributing to the conversions & sales, directly or indirectly.
  5. The design/visuals of your website clearly communicate the type of your business, even if the visitor hasn’t read the content.
  6. The content & copies of your website are adding value to your website and further empowering your brand.
  7. Your website can compete well with your competitors’ websites.
  8. Your website visitors are spending time on your website, exploring the whole homepage and some inside pages.

Unfortunately, if even a few of the above points are not true about your website, your website isn’t the right website for your business.

Do let me know your thoughts on it

In the end, you can always reach out to me/us for any consultations or support of our professional services.