Top 6 Facts About Search Engine Optimization That You Never Knew!

If you have ever explored digital marketing strategies, you must have heard the term “SEO”. You may be aware that SEO is significant and has to do with search engines. But, what exactly is SEO? In this blog, we’ll go over what SEO is, why it’s beneficial to your business, and why you must use it.

To be exact, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the process of optimizing the website and web pages. Most simply, executing strong and comprehensive SEO improves the performance and visibility of your website. This means that your website will have more visibility on the search engines, and you’ll get more traffic and probability of results through your website.

More than 78% of people search for one or more services online and the moment they search for their desired product, service, or information, the search engine recognizes the most appropriate websites, e-commerce stores, and business pages according to the keywords they have searched for. Fortunately, you can opt for the best SEO marketing services in Delhi, NCR, Himachal & Chandigarh to boost the ranking of your website and make it more visible to the right audience.

The best part is that you can now learn to do SEO from the comfort of your home. Avenir Digital Stories is coming up with ADS Professional learning courses, wherein you can learn all about SEO, Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Graphic Designing, and other in-demand courses like Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Content and Copywriting, Website Development, and much more.

What are the benefits of SEO?

To position your brand, and create brand awareness and brand recognition for your business on search engines you must opt for professional SEO. You can achieve marvelous success by leveraging quality content, the right images with appropriate ALT tags, consistent posting, and relevant keywords. By using quality content infused with the right keywords and by following these methods, the ranking of your website will improve and it will automatically generate leads and constant sales for your business.

We have brought you a list of critical and crucial SEO facts and stats to consider for the best strategy for SEO that will help you look at search engine optimization from a new and better perspective. We’ve created this as a compilation of facts that’ll help you in improving your SEO and your overall marketing strategy.

  1. Will You Be Punished For Using Duplicate Content?

The straight answer for that would be No, but yes, duplicate content will affect the performance and visibility of your website in many ways.

To start with, we will cite the Google Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines from September 2019:

“The Lowest rating is appropriate if all or almost all of the MC (main content) on the page is copied with little or no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users. Such pages should be rated Lowest, even if the page assigns credit for the content to another source.”

Google does not formally apply a penalty for duplicate content. However, it does filter similar kinds of content, which has the same effect as a penalty as your website’s ranks are lowered and eventually you pay for your mistakes.

We should never use duplicate content because it confuses Google and forces it to pick up the source of content and give it a better ranking. Hence, Google never allows copied or duplicated content, so you must use original content for better visibility and to give great power to your website.

  1. Social Media Compliments SEO

Is social media considered a part of your SEO strategy? The answer to this isn’t a simple yes or no, it is not directly related to your SEO strategy, but yes it can support you in many ways. There is no harm in combining your social media and SEO strategy. If you share your posts with the right hashtags, then there’s a possibility that it might improve your SEO strategy.

As you’re learning that social media does not directly contribute to SEO ranking, you can see that the links you share across social platforms increase brand exposure. Some combinations like Pinterest, Facebook, and LinkedIn help you in strengthening your SEO.

If you consistently keep posting across these highly engaging social media platforms, there is a possibility that your search engine ranking will get influenced and improved by your SEO efforts and consistency.

  1. Writing And Posting Content Is Not The Only Proven Way

    Technically, SEO and content marketing are two very separate beasts, yet they work together seamlessly.

The success of one is dependent on the success of the other, and vice versa. SEO is not only about posting quality content and you cannot get traffic by doing this alone. If you need constant traffic on your website you need to act smart and infuse more features for the customers to get more traffic and engagement.

For example, the people who are constantly posting and interacting on your Facebook page would love to interact more with your brand, if you allow users to comment on your website, you’ll provide them with a space where they can interact and engage and ultimately this will be a great push to your website traffic. Features like these allow them to interact & engage which ultimately contribute to the organic search engine marketing of the ranking of your website. However, not every website cannot have this kind of feature, for instance, a business website cannot do this, on the other hand, consumer-driven websites can surely do this on their website which can help them in driving traffic more effectively.

  1. Seo Strategy Is Not The Same For Every Business

Although it looks similar and, the same in many cases, the SEO strategies for varied kinds of businesses are different from one another. For example, the way you market an NFT or cryptocurrency platform is not how you market a digital marketing agency, for a digital marketing agency, you’ll leverage the power of different listings, submissions, and blogs.

Whereas for an NFT platform, you’ll have to post across forums like Reddit, Quora, Discord, and some other messaging platforms like Telegram, etc. wherein the audience is dedicated to these kinds of businesses only. Also, the frequency of content creation, posting, and other search engine activities from business to business differs, as there are hundreds of website activities that can be done daily.

  1. You Mustn’t Skip Local Listings

Nowadays google gives a lot of emphasis on local listings as it also gives more power to your search engine rankings. Search engine optimization (SEO) for local businesses can be challenging. You must not only perform all of the standard SEO tasks, but you must also perform a new layer of complicated SEO actions and for that, the best SEO agency in Delhi and NCR can help you.

For example, most individuals believe that directory listings are required for good local SEO. To a point, this is correct. However, you must first ensure that several other things are in order. (In local SEO, directory listings aren’t the very important part.)

Then you must ensure that you are listed in the appropriate local directories. You must also know how to locate local listings that are specific to your geographic location. Furthermore, you must verify that you are optimizing for your geo-specific hyperlocal area, not simply your business’s broad location. Do you wish to upskill yourself and learn all about SEO, then reach out to ADS Professional Learning for comprehensive search engine marketing courses.

6. First, But Not Least: Optimize Your Website

Your SEO efforts should always start with optimizing your website. This means optimizing your content, meta tags, and meta descriptions, not to mention also improving your website speed, UI/UX, and overall technicalities to make it more friendly, and compatible for search engines and users. Irrespective of how well you’re doing in your SEO optimization, which includes posting across platforms on the web, you will not be able to achieve good results if your website is not optimized and well-developed.

Do you wish to start your career as a Search Engines Optimisation Executive?

If yes, then you can start your upskilling journey with us at ADS professional learning, where you get the best online Digital Marketing and other in-demand courses like Graphic Designing, Content and Copywriting, Website Development, and much more.


It’s time to upskill with us!