My Spiritual Mondays

Mondays have always been about ‘new beginnings’, ‘refreshing starts’, and ‘Spiritual Empowering of the Self’, for me. It has never been Monday blues for me, and I don’t really understand why Mondays are mostly referred to like that. (Even during my tenure in different companies as an employee, I never felt that way).

In fact, I strongly believe that Mondays are about ‘Refreshing beginnings with Spiritual start of the week’, whether it’s at home, life or work! This day gives you an opportunity to get back to focusing on your goals, management, and discipline in life, by awakening you from your binge-watching break and leading you back again towards the path of life you have chosen.

Mondays are actually one of the most spiritually empowering days not only religiously, but also professionally. Whether you believe in the energies or the Almighty, most of us do wish for new hopes, growth, and at least a better week, consciously or subconsciously, every Monday. Whether you had a lazy weekend, a home decorating weekend, or a party-rich weekend; Monday always brings back the serenity in life. For me, it’s the day of Lord Shiva, which begins with worshiping him and taking his blessings; because for me, Spirituality & Work go hand-in-hand.

Believe it or not! The more spiritually strong and energised you are, the better productive, visionary, and efficient you are. My spiritual faith has always been the core of my powerhouse. It helps me stay the same fighter in my lows & highs.

And, coming back to Mondays, My Spiritual Mondays, I love getting ready like it’s a new day, worshiping like I am doing for the first time, making new plans & re-thinking the existing ones, working even harder, and starting new small or big things. So, this Monday, I am starting to share my stories and thoughts in the form of blogs.

I shall write and publish more frequently here.

Happy Mondays!
– By Neha Sen