Marketing Essentials for 2024 & beyond

Oh, trends again! No, these aren’t the marketing trends you’ve been reading all around you or the common things you’ve been told to do or not in 2024.

These are the Marketing Essentials you must incorporate in your this year’s Marketing Strategy, and also for a few coming years.

Let’s get to the points!

(Do not copy; these marketing predictions for 2024 are completely original, based on my market analysis and expertise as a Marketing Coach. And, if you’d like these, please follow our company page Avenir Digital Stories on LinkedIn/Instagram or stay tuned here for regular insights.)

  • Influencer Marketing will die slowly

All the businesses and entrepreneurs have been told for a very long time that Influencer Marketing is a must and should be done by every brand. But, that’s changing now. Because the audience is growing smarter every day and the influencers are growing incapable of influencing this smart audience. (I will soon come up with a detailed blog focusing on this in the coming days).

  • Social Media Advertising will become a mandate

Advertising on common social media platforms like Instagram will become a mandate for most B2C, B2B, D2C brands, because brands will be required to be the next content creators to compete in the market.

  • Brands Need to Become Personal for People

Customers want to be treated special and cared for, and hence they will prefer the brands which will share personalized communication, content, and presentation. Gone are the days when brands were required to prove themselves to be better than others.

  • Content (written) & SEO remains forever

This isn’t new, but since some people question the importance of written content & SEO every now and then, it was supposed to be in the list. In simple words, till the time people are going to use search engines for their everyday requirements of different kinds, Content & SEO is going to remain in the list of marketing trends & strategies to follow.

  • Rising need to adapt to uncommon platforms like Discord & Telegram

A lot of not-so-accepted brands like online trading, online casino and more are currently required to be aggressively promoted on these platforms, but marketers should be open to the possible changes which can transform these platforms into mainstream social media.

  • Real ‘out of the box’ will be needed for social media

Just following trends won’t help win the market. Brands will have to think about, define, and implement social media USPs now.

  • Email Marketing is already on ventilator

Emails are already going in spam and are only being saved by important notifications. To sell through emails, just promotions and information won’t work.

  • Mobile Apps for everyone possible

Of course, everyone is more on mobile now, most of you are reading this on mobile, and I am also doing more than half of my everyday work on mobile; hence, every business has to come to mobile to do better. Every business needs to think of ways to offer a mobile app to its customers to keep engaging them and motivating them to purchase again & again. And, it’s not only about product based businesses, but also services based.

  • Push notifications are already winning more

Finding it closest and easiest is the USP. Push notifications are engaging the customers with information, promotion, and campaigns. It’s time for businesses to be a part of it.

  • Social goodness is rising

Customers are talking more about social goodness than exclusive ad campaigns. Businesses and entrepreneurs are required to do some good and talk good to be recognized by the larger audience. Zomato and Anand Mahindra are the greatest examples.

  • Experience Marketing will be the future

Content Marketing will soon become common and highly competitive, wherein experience marketing will offer exclusiveness by offering experience to the audience to engage with the brand, to be influenced and to make a purchase decision. Like Guerrilla Marketing which is still not utilized with its full potential in India and many other countries.

  • Advertising will go beyond Social & Google

In the times when advertising on Google is already being postponed by many businesses and social media ads are done by the most, uniqueness & effectiveness in ad campaigns will rise in ads on apps, OTT, and other rising platforms.

  • Businesses needs to be planned on marketing

Right Marketing efforts are what lead to a successful business. Hence, it’s time to base your business plan on the marketing strategies. Those who are doing so, are already winning. Smallest examples are those small businesses which grew from Instagram accounts and have become a brand now. These businesses didn’t start as a business, but as content creation which led to a business idea followed by a successful business.

As a Marketing Professional I have always been an avid observer of the market and customer behavior, which has enabled me to deliver effectively as a Marketing Strategist and Marketing Coach, and after having worked with over 100 brands from all over the world in the past three years, and having to be ahead of time for my clients, I have closely analyzed and observed the changing behaviours of the customers and market.

You may call them the Marketing Trends for 2024 or accept them as the Marketing Essentials for 2024 & beyond, but I can assure you that following these and incorporating these trends in your next marketing strategy or business strategy will help you achieve some amazing milestones for your brands and businesses.

P.S. Please do not copy, but follow these for your businesses. (Written on Jan 5, 2024)

~Neha Sen, Marketing Coach & Strategist, Marketing & Content Expert, Founder & Director of Marketing at Avenir Digital Stories, ADS Learning, Parmanand Homes