Graphic Designing: a great career path to begin with in 2023

What do you know about graphic design or the pillars and foundations of it?

In most uncomplicated terms “Graphic Design” is a compelling and rational way of creating art that covers more than just visuals. It includes specific topics, thoughtful content, and impactful infographics and is used in so many sectors and so many ways. Although many businesses and brands primarily use it as a means of advertisement to promote their services and products. It can and should be utilized in all your marketing campaigns be it online or offline in order to market your products and services in a more appealing way. Graphic designing is also commonly used in website designing and other forms of digital marketing including television advertising and magazine advertising.

Graphic designing is at its prime, and if you want to achieve a creative and aesthetic edge for your brand, you can opt for the best graphic design services in Delhi from our skilled design team at Avenir Digital Stories, the best part is that now you can also learn Graphic Designing under our expert design team’s supervision, as we are coming up with professional learning courses.. Below are some insightful facts that you need to know about graphic design that will help you in understanding its importance and why you must start your career in it.

1.Demand for graphic designers and their services is increasing insanely

Graphic design is in high demand, and many companies and businesses are looking for expert graphic designing agencies in Delhi to help them market their product and service. As per estimations, there will be a 13% increase in demand for famous graphic designers by the end of 2022. As we all know, there are various kinds of graphic designers and their expert teams, and all of them are in high demand because of the quality of hard work and the creative edge that they put into every design collateral. One area that has provided these is that a lot of businesses are creating websites to further reach out to their prospects. Our expert team can help you with graphics and you can also learn and upscale yourself in the field of graphic designing with us. Reach out to us and get the best graphic designing courses online.


2. You don’t need a 5-year degree in graphic design

Graphic designing is a creative art, and as much as you need to go to college to provide yourself with designing skills, it doesn’t necessarily have to be 5 long years. If you have an eye for great visuals and a passion for designing, then that’s good enough to get started, your skills and your realistic samples matter. Your clients are more concerned about getting the job done and it doesn’t matter how long you have been studying and your work actually speaks for itself. Honestly, the majority of graphic designers will tell you that they got their design skills by reading how-to books and other online courses and resources. Aesthetically pleasing as well as informative graphics aren’t everybody’s cup of tea, it requires more than mere creative skills, our absolutely excellent team of graphic designers can assist you in taking your design game to another level.

 3.No marketing and advertising is possible without graphic designers

At some point, any commodity that you’ve ever purchased online and offline must have some sort of graphic design. Nowadays, it’s extremely hard to market or promote anything without requiring expert graphic designing services. Graphic design is quite diverse and ranges from the labels on your shampoo bottles to huge billboards and hoardings at the roadside. Even small things such as business cards, birthday greeting cards or train tickets need a graphic design to be conceived and our expert team of designers are skilled in doing all this. In other words, it is impossible to transact any business without involving graphic design. Designing is everywhere, even on the side of buses or rickshaws. Need profound and appealing graphic design services? Reach out to us right now!

4.You can employ yourself as a professional graphic designer! yes it’s true

The odds of being a graphic designer are that you can quickly be your boss whenever you want, you just have to achieve the relevant skills and tools needed to create effective designs; you need to think about finding your own gigs. You don’t need to be employed as a full-time worker to benefit from your Graphic designing talent and creativity. There are a lot of freelancing jobs that you can go after if you can market yourself. With online job companies, you can find design projects quickly. Be it full-time or not, you should always be up for freelance opportunities as well, we are here to help you in figuring out everything about graphic design. Reach out to us for the best graphic design courses in India.

5.You can make serious money as a designer

Graphic designing is a profitable job, and you can make thousands of dollars from designing a simple corporation logo, but obviously, it needs to be extremely unique and catchy. Companies and brands want to be unique, and they seldom have a hard time creating their logos as it is the identity of their brand. They may have the support and funds, but they lack the creative part. That is where the best graphic design company like ours comes in. Our expert graphic designers will help you in making magical designs and collateral. Reach out to us for the best digital marketing as well as graphic designing courses.

 6.Graphic designers can make you famous

Did you also know that your pure graphic design idea can make you memorable? Yes, it’s 100% true, a great example of that is an artist called Sir Jonathan Ive who is known for designing the artwork that was used by Apple iPad or iPhone products, and many creative designers got their fame from their artwork and now we all can recognise the logo and with that, the brand got its image. Be it a clothing brand, financial service, or some product-based startup, they highly need expert graphic designing services and you can help them. Start your career in the realms of Graphic Designing today.

12 More Facts Related To Graphic Designing That We Bet You Didn’t Know About:

  1. It is considered that logo designs are defined back as early as the 13th century when the Egyptians stamped domestic animals with symbols and cryptograms to mark their ownership.
  1. From 2500 BC to 1400 BC, graphic design was introduced by using Sumerian pictographs, Symbols and Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
  1. In the late 1800s, the creation of graphic design was reshaped with the production of Art Nouveau which soon became a universal art style.
  1. The font used in the Coca-Cola logo was not created from a typeface but was originally fitted using a handwritten style which is now known as Spencerian Script.
  1. The typeface used by Facebook for its logo is a modified version of Klavika. Hard to believe, right?
  1. Nike’s Swoosh’ logo was produced by a graphic student at Portland University named Carolyn Davidson for only $35.
  1. The logo designed for the 2012 London Olympics was regarded as the worst Olympics Logo since 1924 due to its tactless typography and ornate shapes.
  1. NASA logo had three main official designs however, the version with a stylized red curve text (“The Worm”) was retired from official use in 1992. The logo was never fully accepted by the establishment full of scientists that couldn’t care any less about the kerning and color patterns.
  1. Georgia typeface got its name from a tabloid headline reading “Alien heads found in Georgia” by its designer Matthew Carter.
  1. The renowned director Woody Allen uses the typeface ‘Windsor’ in the titles and credits of nearly all of his movies. Have you ever noticed it?
  1. The boy silhouetted in the DreamWorks logo design is the son of the illustrator (Robert Hunt) that was hired to craft the design.
  1. Claude Garamond, the legendary publisher and type designer after whom the font ‘Garamond’ was selected, died of starvation at the age of 81.

Do you wish to start your career as a professional graphic designer?
If yes, then you can start your upskilling journey with us at ADS professional learning, where you get the best online Graphic Designing and other in-demand courses like Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Content and Copywriting, Website Development, and much more.

It’s time to upskill with us!