Calling all writers, for a must read!

A lot of people talk about content, many are trying to present themselves as writers, and only a few are real experts!

Who are these Content & Copywriting Experts?

To understand that, first you have to understand the ‘Content’ itself.

Content is an integral part of our everyday lives, from writing personal posts to promotional content for businesses, it is an important aspect of almost everything we do today. 

Do you also wish to become an expert content writer?

Reach out to us for the best content and copywriting courses. 

Yet, we never write for ourselves.

Content Writing & Copywriting is always for others, for the readers, for the audience. Content is not a process of proving your writing skills by bombarding the content piece with massive words, but a method of explicitly and effectively communicating the message or information to the targeted audience of a particular content piece or copy of an ad.

A good content writer is always the one who can convince the audience with the message, leave an impact on them; and an expert writer is always the one who blends the emotions, requirements, and understanding of the audience into his content, who gives them a journey of realisation, who roots an idea in their mind, and who creates an experience for the readers.

Become an expert content and copy writer with ADS Professional learning as we offer the best content and copywriting services in Delhi.


  • An article should suffice the reader with an impressive communication of value-adding information, while a blog should do so with a personal touch and conversational language.
  • A book should take the reader through a journey of experiences, learning, realizations, and emotions, through such a content & set of words which relates to the reader.
  • A corporate write-up, news or PR should provide exclusive information with an impact of leadership, power, and kindness through a content piece enriched with accurate phrases, flawless words, and impressive copies.
  • Website content should convince the reader through the exclusiveness and depth of the information, while the copies should tease the reader to engage further.
  • And so on …

An expert writer is the one who can keep a difference in varied kinds of content pieces, and can identify every kind of different piece by simply reading it once.

What makes a writer an expert?

A lot of practice and hard work! Yes, there’s always a difference and will always be a difference in the content piece or copy written by a professional having 2 years of experience, 5 years of experience, and 10 years of experience.

Practice is the core of writing. Every year a writer writes better than the previous year, till they cross the mark of certain years of practice and become experts.

And believe me, learning some good words, from an ocean of vocabulary, doesn’t make anyone a writer, nor using today’s AI.

What makes you an amazing writer?

In simpler words, if someone tells you their story or an entrepreneur tells you their vision, and you can write it with their emotions, thoughts, and the way they would have written it, then you are not only an expert, but an amazing writer!

Concluding, follow these three pillars of writing to become an expert writer:

  1. Understanding the audience: Before you start writing, you need to understand who you are writing for, and it’s never yourself. Even biographies are written for the readers.
  2. Elements of Content or copy: Make a note in your head or notebook about what all or what is required to be communicated and informed through a particular piece of content or copy. Start with a thorough research, check competition, and conclude the elements.
  3. Language & Grammar: Grammar surpasses all, and the language – the way of communication in a content piece should serve the purpose of the content piece the best way. Like I mentioned earlier, a conversational language for a blog, while a powerful one for a corporate piece.

Last, but not the least, AI

If you want to become even a skilled writer, leave apart becoming an expert, AI is a strict no! AI doesn’t make anyone a good writer; it instead makes you a weaker one, by snatching away your chance of practicing to be an expert writer.

About me,

I am a passionate & professional writer & marketer, who started her journey as a content writer with a literature background about 15 years back, have written thousands of pieces, and still, love to write and create. 

For expert content and copywriting courses, reach out to us and get the best content knowledge in Himachal Pradesh.

~ Neha Sen